September brought us lots of new experiences and excitement. As I told you in my last blog, we started school with Morgan. That has been a real experience. It's came with its own highs and lows. For the most part, things have been going really great. We are starting to see some improvements with her. There have been hurdles we've had to cross. Morgan's favorite subjects are the Language Arts. I am very pleased with that. I have found a way to incorporate reading and reading strategies into all of her subjects. Shhhh.... Don't tell her that. She doesn't realize it lol. Our biggest struggle is Math. Math is typically an argument as soon as the books are opened. She hates it. Too be honest, so do I. I finally admitted defeat and accepted that the Math curriculum wasn't working for us. I ordered a new curriculum the other day. This one is more computer based and has fun games built into the lessons to further her understanding of the Math concepts. I'm hoping this new program will work much better for us. Overall, we are really enjoying it. I don't think she's ever going to want to go back to school. She IS! lol. Jason is also getting very actively involved in helping me teach her when he is home. He's even enjoying it as well. Friday, we had a bunch of errands to run. I started school with Morgan while he was busy. Then, he took over her lessons by himself while I got ready to leave. I was very proud of both of them! I only got called back to the dining room twice to help out! Good job Jason! One of my biggest concerns with teaching Morgan was how I would manage to get everything else done that needed to be done and still teach her. I've, since, learned to teach English while folding laundry, Science while doing dishes, and I've even learned to do my exercises while teaching her. Morgan thinks that's funny. lol. That is Math isn't it? "Morgan if I do 15 reps of arm curls and 3 sets, how many have I done in all?" No, don't worry, I haven't really asked her that. Thank you all for all of your encouragement!
Abbey is really enjoying her 7th grade year. She has turned into such a sweet and beautiful young lady. I couldn't be more proud of her, of both of them. Her teacher, Ms. Harris, pulled her aside and invited her to be a part of TSA (Technology Students Association) She is very excited about this. She chose 3 areas of study in the program; photography, website design, and criminal science. She is loving it. She has also become very active in her small group at church. She loves going to her leader's, Amanda, house every week to study and worship. She brought home her first mid term reports 2 weeks ago. She got all A's and 1 B. WAY TO GO ABBEY! She loves going on the computer and keeping a check on her grades. On the boyfriend issue......SHE BROKE UP WITH HIM! YAY! Can you tell I'm excited about that????
In other news, the dreaded flu bug has came to visit. Abbey was out of school sick with the flu most of last week. I thought that it was limited to Abbey. After she was healthy and back in school, neither Morgan nor I were showing any symptoms of having it. I thought we had escaped it. No such luck. It has now hit me as well. I'm hoping it skips Morgan and Jason.
Abbey attended her first UT football game. I had bought tickets for Jason and I. Unfortunately, work called and he was unable to go. Abbey had always wanted to go to one. So, I thought, why not take her. I have this extra ticket now. We dressed up in all of our orange and headed to the stadium to watch the UT - Ohio game. She LOVED it! She said that was the only way to watch football! Said it was like watching football on the biggest HD, flat screen T.V. ever. lol. When UT scored the first time, she went nuts! She loved hearing the band play Rocky Top every time. The crowd doing the wave really excited her. She cannot wait to go back again. Jason and I are discussing getting 4 season passes next year so they both can go with us to the home games.
On the sports front, the softball season is almost over. This will be there last week of regular season games. Tournaments start next week. Both girls have played exceptionally well all season. Abbey's team is ranked 1st in their age division so far. We have had a little mishap this season. Abbey has been suffering from a knee injury. Her doctor has advised bracing her knee when she plays ball and dances for now. If that doesn't work, he will refer her over to TN Sports Medicine for further consult. I'm hoping the brace does the trick. The girls will also compete in their last dance competition in Maggie Valley, North Carolina, October, 23-25th. Wish them luck. The indoor season of soccer for Morgan will also be starting again soon. She can't wait! She loves indoor soccer. Go figure. It's very fast paced. Perfect for Morgan.
Happy October everyone!!!