The alarm clock going off at 7:00 am officially started the new school year. Abbey excitedly jumped out of bed, ready to go! She couldn't wait to get there. She wanted me to have her there by 7:45. School doesn't start to 8:30! Excited much? She couldn't wait to start her first day of school. Me, I was ready for another day of summer vacation. No such luck! We woke Morgan up. She whined, saying, "But, I don't wanna go to school." She argued about it. She was obviously arguing with herself in her sleep. She finally woke up and said, "Oh yeah, I don't start school today." She jumped up out of bed at that point. LOL. We dropped Abbey off at school at 8:15. She wouldn't let me walk her in and take pictures. "I'm in 7th grade now Mom. I'm not a baby," she said. Broke my heart. She's IS NOT supposed to be that old! I reluctantly gave in and stayed behind. She looked so grown up walking in. Morgan asked me what time Abbey got out of school. When I told her, she wanted to know if we could pick her up early. She, then, argued with me when I explained that we couldn't do that. She demanded to know why not. This coming from the child that thinks her sister is a bossy pain in the butt most of the time. It will be interesting to see how she does her first full day without her sister. We finally went back to get her at 11:30. Abbey came bouncing out of the school. She loved her first day and couldn't wait to tell us all about it! She said she had homework. I thought that was odd for the first day of school. She didn't care. She was excited to have homework. She's definitely not mine or Jason's child. LOL She was very excited about seeing all of her school friends. She said that when she walked into Mrs. Harris's class that she said to Abbey, "Well there's a Fritts if I ever saw one." Abbey thought that was funny! In Mr. Watson's class, he told the kids that he had been teaching school for 30 years and asked if he had taught any of their parents or siblings, if so to raise their hands. He, then, looked at Abbey and said, "Not you Ms. Fritts. I had both your dad and your uncle." Abbey thought that was embarrassing but funny. Of course, she couldn't go a full day without getting into a little bit of trouble. Not really. But, Lynn had to remind her that he was Coach Allen at school. It was funny. She did say that she was glad the day was over with. Why? Because she wanted to hurry up, go home and go to bed so she could start her first full day of school tomorrow! I had to explain that she couldn't go to bed at noon and sleep until 7:00 the next morning. Goofy girl. We are so blessed to have a child that love's school and education the way she does. It excites me to see her so excited about school. I hope she stays that way forever!